Monday, November 19, 2012

where to go from here

Well , I went down to my local library today to see about a book on bullying, to my surprise at this branch, there was only one. It was not what you would call informative but it was about bullying none the less. It was in story form I guess that counts for something. I did ask to see if there was a section and there really wasn't one. The lady that helped me stated the the network was down so she could not really tell what they had. She suggested I try back tomorrow and then maybe she could tell me what there was
 I am starting to see a big issue, I was thinking about the campaign on drugs back in the eighties the "just say no"  bit. Then there was the onslaught of domestic violence and then homlessness and now animal cruelty all good causes ,great causes.Not much interest to the kid going to bed knowing his/her life will be the same scary place it was yesterday .I guess thats where I am going with this to end the fear of leaving ones house.  I think that's a horrible way to exist to be so consumed by fear that nothing else matters.
One of my goals is to put light on this through media and visual assitance such as signs in schools on buses in malls  and the like. I think its important to let people know that this is a concern that somebody cares anybody not just me. I think that would help for a kid to know hey someone knows someone cares I will be heard . It's like a police investagation if you will, they go to the media to see if anyone else has seen this person or has this happened to anyone else, and it does not take much to get a gathering of people. strength in numbers as they say , because if you think about it as adults, at least for me, would you go to talk to someone who you feel would not listen ? probably not, now put that in perspective of a kid being bullied and feeling no one would help .
Getting closer to that mission statement ,going to go to legalzoom shortly to get my non-profit staus then things will kick in high gear .Can not share any plans asi dont really have any to speak of but will share as they come along .

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