Friday, November 16, 2012

sorry folks I see a couple of people have stopped by. still working on a mission statement. the name of us will be B.A.R.K bullies are reachable kids .set up on twitter and working on face book. heres some of what i wrote on my f/b page we have since talked with school.  so for now things are ok but going to continue with this as i feel it is important

 Well I think I have finally found a use for this nonsense they call social media. Bullying, Now I know it's a buzz word, and people stop to look, like ya do when you see a fight or an accident. As you cruise by you shake your head and say to yourself glad its not me, then off you go busy with your day. But bullying is more than a word it is an action, a specific action. Taken by one to do HARM to another. No one has a reason for bullying, therapists, police, courts, all agree its bad. But no one knows how to stop it. Seriously, if I see one more celebrity or sports figure, im gonna scream.
The reason for this rant, is my son has been and is being bullied. He defended himself the other day and was suspended for ten days. I am dealing with the school on that and will update here when I get home, but I digress. I have given this some thought per a discussion I had with the principal at my sons school. He said my son put his hands on this bully and thats against school policy. and this stuck with me after I hung up with the principal. I didnt comment on it at the time, but heres the thing, the IMPORTANT thing. bullies start out with mind games calling names, putting others down, faking people out, If you look in Webster's Dictionary it says under bullying "A person who hurts or browbeats those who are weaker" . And I think it is high time, we make that an issue. Because I think that its is not fair for a bully to instigate a violent act knowing the outcome and causing an issue. Then conveniently not be held responsible for that act. I know its the ole he started it routine, but i think this has been a loop hole if you will, for bullies, and it needs to be plugged.
Now I am going to go offtrack for a minute, during the events of yesterday the 13th of Nov I had called the police to make out a report because the school let my son leave the school, he missed the bus and the school would not provide transportation ,he had to walk home 3 miles. I wanted to file a report and the police said they wouldn't because it is school business and no concern to the police (im going long on this so follow me it will get clear) I have to go back a bit to New York. My son was bullied there as well , I called the police then to (I will get into that another time I promise) the policemen said to me, "children have no rights like adults". If one child hits another its up to the parents to straighen it out. I think the same thing is happening here, this bully who is targeting my son knows no harm will come to him. The school will do what it will do and on goes life. I thnk in this day, we have to be stronger than that. Involve the police make it illeagal to harrass, give kids the right to restraining orders like adults have. The schools will not help and the police will not help. This officer that I spoke with yesterday, actually said to me, and I qoute "we dont step on their toes and they dont step on ours" end qoute. I think it is time we involve actual police in these matters. Now I dont mean every little thing ,there has to be protocol, a series of events to prove harm, be it physical or mental. Maybe that will stop it or at least slow it down some .
If you have gotten this far thank you for reading. If you want to help let me know or if you want to share please do.

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